"Most people associate tango music with a form of dance. That’s not necessarily so. Tango music can be a pure musical pleasure, an exciting listening experience, but hard to dance to.  

Take for example Débora Simcovich’s compositions. If you happened to catch one of her concerts last summer in the Bay Area, performed by the acclaimed Orquesta Victoria from Buenos Aires, you will have noticed that a lot of her songs were not very danceable" Read more

"As a child growing up in a Jewish neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Débora Simcovich heard tango everywhere. At weddings and bar mitzvahs the klezmer bands played tango. From nightclubs windows, street party bandstands, and the radio, especially as the June anniversary of tango legend Carlos Gardel’s death in a 1935 plane crash approached, the quintessential sound of Argentina was omnipresent" Read more

"Villa Crespo fue mi cuna, desde el umbral de mi casa de Aráoz veía pasar un mundo fascinante que desplegaba ante mis ojos su gloriosa gama de colores, voces, matices y sonidos, los que resonaban como arpegios musicales. La diversidad lingüística, dentro y fuera de mi hogar, fue mi primera escuela musical" Read more

"San Francisco composer Débora Simcovich cherishes the memories of her youth in Villa Crespo, a tree-lined Buenos Aires neighborhood that teemed with Jewish life. “Every time I go to Argentina, I like to see the house where I was born, where I used to play along the street”, she said" Read more

"Débora Simcovich is one of the few female composers working in the male-dominated musical genre of tango. The San Francisco-based, Argentinian composer sees tango as a way to create a cultural bridge between her adopted home here in the United States and her roots in Buenos Aires’ Villa Crespo neighborhood." Read more